"I provide private and corporate on-site self defence training that is simple, effective and easy to remember."
Run - Hide - Fight
If your company has a corporate policy such as "Run - Hide - Fight" or a "Run - Hide - Tell", then you need to train them in the specifics of what to do in an emergency situation. Doubt or confusion in an emergency event adds more stress and creates delays due to thinking and decision making time.
Remove doubt and reduce confusion, ask me to create a training program and a plan that everyone can be taught to follow.
Remove doubt and reduce confusion, ask me to create a training program and a plan that everyone can be taught to follow.
Modern threats
Sadly, the threat of violence on the rise and businesses are being targeted. Leaders have become more aware of protecting themselves and their staff.
I am a former professional Bodyguard and have experience in creating emergency plans and procedures for venue security as well as training inexperienced people in what to do in emergency situations.
I can address the concerns you have for your staff by providing corporate seminars and workshops tailored to the specific needs of your business and policies. Effective self protection is not just a practical and common sense necessity but it is also an important component in helping to ensure the long term profitability of within your business as well as making your employees feel more confident, secure, and valued.
Companies understand that they can not afford to have any of their employees become the victim of violence, whether it happens to be on or off the job is irrelevant. Violence, whether it happens within the workplace, in the street or even in the home can cause considerable harm to employee morale, increase work-related stress, and decrease the overall level of workplace harmony, not to mention the potential human resources and compensation issues. Smart companies know that they have to take steps to keep their employees safe. On the job safety training is not only the right thing to do for their employees, but it's in the best interest of the company's own financial and public relation health.
I am a former professional Bodyguard and have experience in creating emergency plans and procedures for venue security as well as training inexperienced people in what to do in emergency situations.
I can address the concerns you have for your staff by providing corporate seminars and workshops tailored to the specific needs of your business and policies. Effective self protection is not just a practical and common sense necessity but it is also an important component in helping to ensure the long term profitability of within your business as well as making your employees feel more confident, secure, and valued.
Companies understand that they can not afford to have any of their employees become the victim of violence, whether it happens to be on or off the job is irrelevant. Violence, whether it happens within the workplace, in the street or even in the home can cause considerable harm to employee morale, increase work-related stress, and decrease the overall level of workplace harmony, not to mention the potential human resources and compensation issues. Smart companies know that they have to take steps to keep their employees safe. On the job safety training is not only the right thing to do for their employees, but it's in the best interest of the company's own financial and public relation health.
Get in contact with me
Send me a message though the link above and we will arrange a consultation where we can discuss the options best suited to your company and the needs of your staff.